Conclusion The impression of arachnoid granulation in occipital bone has characteristic features of CT. 结论枕骨蛛网膜颗粒压迹CT表现有特征性,可以明确诊断,并有较重要的临床价值。
And then she bounced on her occipital bone. 最后她弹了起来,又砸到了后脑勺。
The skull broad and the occipital bone not too prominent. 宽,但后枕骨不很突出。
Relating to the deeply serrated suture in the skull between the parietal bones and the occipital bone. 人字形的与头盖骨内枕骨和顶骨间的锯齿状骨缝有关的。
Human occipital bone and mammalian fossils from chaoxian, Anhui 安徽巢县发现的人类枕骨化石和哺乳动物化石
Use a bristle brush to scrape the hair back into a ponytail below the crown and above the occipital bone. 用短毛梳将发尾头发梳起束成马尾,将马尾绑在枕骨和发尾之间。
Objective To provide anatomical basis of periosteum flap of occipital bone pedicled with the blood vessel for occipito-cervical fusion. 目的为带血管蒂枕骨骨模瓣行枕颈融合术提供解剖学基础。
Applied Anatomy of Periosteum Flap of Occipital Bone Pedicled With the Blood Vessel for Occipito-Cervical Fusion 带血管蒂枕骨骨膜瓣行枕颈融合的应用解剖
Arachnoid Granulations of Occipital bone ( A Reports of 6 Cases) 枕骨内板的蛛网膜颗粒(附6例报告)
It could also delay the ossification of occipital bone and sternum of the fetuses. 该药还能延迟大鼠胚胎胸骨与枕骨的骨化。
The sphenoid sinuses were limited in the sphenoid bone in 96 cases. The well-developed sphenoid sinuses extended into the occipital bone in 90 cases. 蝶窦局限于蝶骨内的96例,气化良好累及枕骨的90例。
In 186 completely closed cases, a vestige of the synchondrosis was observed as an irregular white line in 91 cases. In 13 cases of them, some part of the sphenoid sinus extended into the occipital bone beyond the vestige. 蝶枕软骨结合完全闭合的186例中,可见不规则白线残迹的91例,其中13例蝶窦超越部分白线累及枕骨;
Applied Anatomy of Internal Fixation of Occipital Bone Screw 枕骨螺钉内固定的应用解剖
Applied Anatomy on Periosteum Flap of Occipital Bone 枕骨骨膜瓣的应用解剖
The rectus capitis laterralis muscle extended vertically behind the internal jugular vein from the TPA to the jugular process of the occipital bone. 头侧直肌起始于TPA的外表面,止于枕骨颈静脉突的下表面,可作为确定颅外颈静脉孔的解剖标志。
The results also supported the theory that an underdeveloped occipital bone with normally developed neural structures, inducing overcrowding in the posterior cranial fossa, may play an important role in the cause of Chiari type ⅰ malformation. 该研究结果也支持后颅窝骨发育不良导致后颅窝过度拥挤是ChiariⅠ型畸形发病机制的学说。
Methods: Seven patients of SEC proved by operation and biopsy were collected in the study. There were 2 cases in frontal bone, 3 in parietal bone and 2 in occipital bone. 方法:搜集经手术或穿刺活检病理证实的SEC7例,额骨2例,顶骨3例,枕骨2例,均行CT平扫,分析其CT表现特征。
CT Diagnosis of Cavernous Hemangioma of the Occipital Bone ( A Report of 6 Cases) 枕骨海绵状血管瘤CT诊断(附6例报告)
The structural stability of occipital bone, atlas and axis maintain the stability of the craniocervical junction together with pertaining muscles, ligaments, fascias as well as joint capsules. 枕骨髁、寰椎的结构稳定,以及肌肉、韧带、筋膜、关节囊等共同维持着上颈椎的稳定性。
The styloid process, the jugular process of the occipital bone and the rectus capitis lateralis are excellent landmarks to locate the JF. 茎突、枕骨颈突及头外侧直肌,可作为JF的定位标志。
Development of fetl's frontal bone and occipital bone 胎儿额骨及枕骨的发育
Conclusion Periosteum flap of occipital bone pedicled with the blood vessel could be used in the surgical procedure of occipito-cervical fusion. 结论设计带血管蒂枕骨骨膜瓣转位行枕颈融合术具有可行性。
The cervical nerves pierced their innervating muscles of suboccipital region near their attachments to the occipital bone laterally. 支配肌肉的脊神经在肌肉骨附着部附近由外侧进入所支配肌肉。
MCC can invade occipital bone, occipital muscles, dura and cerebellar tissues. While the fronto-occipital VEP phase showed difference. 枕骨破坏,枕部肌肉、硬膜表面及小脑内均有肿瘤侵润,与脑组织无明显界限。额枕部VEP的相位不一致。
Objective: to provide an anatomical base for clinical application of periosteum flap of occipital bone. 为枕骨骨膜瓣的临床应用提供解剖学基础。
Objective Through Occipital bone-sigmoid sinus into the microscope anatomy of the road an Occipital bone area tumor, combine the superficial fascia first step study locate the area of trapezius with take the afferent muscle petal transfers the possibility that rebuild the cerebral dura mater. 目的:经枕下-乙状窦后入路行枕骨区肿瘤的显微解剖,并初步探讨位于斜方肌区的浅筋膜和带血管蒂肌瓣转移重建硬脑膜的可行性。
Methods: 1.The lengths, widths and thickness of basilar part of occipital bone were measured on 200 adult skulls which were preserved in good condition. 方法:1.成人完整颅骨200个,测枕骨基底部的长、宽和厚;
Methods: the blood vessels distribution of the periosteum flap of occipital bone was observed on6 ( 12 sides) adult cadaver specimens respectively. 在6具成人尸体标本上观测了枕骨骨膜瓣的血管分布。
Methods Make in the next the middle point of the type of T slice, do away with the left side Occipital bone. 方法:在枕外隆凸下缘中点处作T字型切口,去除左侧枕骨。